Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This post is for you, Sue G.

This post is for my friend Sue G in NY. She needs some reasons to smile right now and I need to stop wallowing in my own self pity when I have nothing to really be pitiful about. I'm just exhausted and in dire need of an upcoming vacation. So, I will stop whining to myself about being overwhelmed and instead focus on what is worth smiling about in life. Sue, I hope this makes you smile at least a little. These little faces can exasperate me like no one else can, but they can also make me smile equally as much...

I have to take just a moment to brag on my son because that is what mothers do. This is the 2nd year that his artwork was chosen to be on display at school. Where this child gets his artistic talent is beyond me, everyone knows Jim nor I can draw a stick figure. I am proud of any skill he possesses because like all moms, I'd love for the world to hold endless possibilities for my children...

And I know it is still winter in the frozen tundra, so I thought you'd like a reminder of what NC spring looks like again :)

And our beautiful sunsets

Sorry, you know I can be stubborn as this sometimes ;)