I know it was yesterday, but it would not be me if it weren't late

I just didn't want the day to pass by without telling everyone what a great father my husband is. Whenever we are around someone who hasn't seen him with our children before, they are literally amazed. I cannot tell you how many women have come up to me and told me how lucky I am. For many, their husbands were decent men, they just didn't do much with the children. Many of you know how Jim is. He doesn't hesitate to be an equal partner in the care of the children. With four little guys, it takes both of us. Jim is right there to play with the children, to give them their bath, to just show them each and every day how much they mean to him. Nothing makes me smile like hearing him wrestle with the boys in the evening. I will often be in the kitchen busy cooking dinner or throwing in a load of laundry, and just the sound of laughter brings a smile to my face. He can make them laugh like no one else can. The twins faces just light up when he pulls in the driveway. Shouting "Daddy, Daddy" and all 4 boys go running. I could not ask for more. I love him for so many reasons, but having these boys and watching him love and care for them makes me so proud to call him my husband. So, here's to you babe. Thank you for being there for all five of us. I don't know anyone who could take on that challenge and do it as well as you do. If my own dad were here, he too would be so proud of you. No one could love his daughter or grandkids more than you do. We love you more than words or gifts could possibly say.
Our Trip to the Fire DepartmentOn Saturday we went to a fire department with a mommy group I just joined. The boys were in awe and really enjoyed learning about the trucks and getting the tour of the firehouse. Collin would not go up to the fireman once he was fully dressed however. Our fearless one was afraid (can you believe it?) Here are some pictures of the day:

Inventive Ways to get food in your mouth
Tired of picking up that heavy ear of corn? Nathan has a solution for you:

Tired of using a pesky spoon to eat your yogurt? Try your hand, it's a little messy but it sure gets the job done!

And they call it Puppy Love