Last Friday was Jessica's last day with the boys. I know that they will always cherish the time they had with her and with her family.
Here's a really cute picture of her with the boys:
Don't you just love the rope over Collin's shoulder? He has more fun playing with that rope!

Carolyn is here watching the boys this week and next week we are all at the beach. YEAH, cannot wait!
Annette will be watching the boys starting on July 28th! We are all very excited. Annette was our first daycare provider and she kept Tristan for the first five years of his life and Collin for his first couple of years as well. She has an amazing gift for working with children. She plans lots of activities and crafts and they learn so much from her. Not to mention Tristan is excited about his best bud Caylee getting to be at his house every day! Please read the 7/3 entry on
her blog for how God's amazing plan for our life put us back together again.
The ScalpingAs you may know, life is never dull at the Davis household. Jim took the boys out on Saturday to run some errands and to allow me to steam clean the carpets. When he got back I had a little surprise. He had taken all the boys to get a haircut. Not that they didn't need it mind you, but one of my main desires for their haircuts is that I don't see the skin on their scalp. Don't ask me why, just one of my hangups. When they walked in the room Jim said the anger in my eyes just flashed. He said he let them use the wrong clipper, I could see it happening on one twin, but both? Daddy was in the dog house on that one. He can't talk...when I once cut off my hair in the beginning of our marriage, he would not speak to me for two days. Oh well, it is just hair and it will grow back. In the meantime, my twins look like little redneck toddlers. I share these pictures only for you to feel my pain :)

Scary, isn't it? Ok, I cannot end the post on such a dreadful note :) Here's a little cutie pattootie to cheer you up. She wanted to wear the twin's last Halloween costume (Skunk). She is a cute little stinker, don't you think?