Monday, May 11, 2009

The Birthday party's most embarrassing moments...

I did not make an extensive one page list of everything to take to the park and forget eating utensils. Note for reference: While cake can be eaten with your hands, it is not recommended that you eat your ice cream in this manner :)

I did not forget to change the twins diapers in all the busy action of the day as this photo indicates:

And this same saggy diaper did not discharge two brown stinky lumps in the middle of our party which I then did not scoop up with a party napkin with the bright red parrots that matched my bright red face :)

And I most certainly did not start the sack race by saying, "On your mark, get set, go" while falling into a hole, twisting my ankle and falling to the ground laughing and nearly crying at the same time (while I might add my loving sister was grabbing her camera to take a picture :)

Nope, not me. I would never recount these moments for all those in cyberspace to read and laugh wholeheartedly at, no, not me!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Tristan's Birthday Celebration

On Thursday, Tristan requested that I have lunch with him and bring cupcakes for his class in honor of his birthday. He wanted beach theme cupcakes to go along with our Luau theme of his birthday. He loved his cupcakes and so did his class:

We celebrated that evening by having him choose which restaurant he wanted to go to. We don't go out to eat very much any more, so he was pretty excited about this. He chose the mexican restaurant as this has become a tradition. He loves it when they put whip cream in his face and make him wear the hat as you can see by these pictures:

Of course Dalton had to get in on the action too:

Daddy brought him home a present wrapped in pretty legal paper, see the special wrapping paper? :):

For his party on Saturday it was extremely hot. We had a good turnout and everyone seemed to have fun. I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked to but Jim's mom took some for me. Here are some photos of his cake:

He was very excited about the Guitar Hero we bought him. I found it at half price from Big Lots (gotta love a bargain!)

Here is Tristan taking a swing at the Pinata:

And little brother Collin:

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Tristan!

My first baby turned 8 today. These 8 years have flown by. I cannot believe in less than 8 more, he will be driving. My oldest boy is so incredibly sweet and loving. Here are some things that my first child has taught me:

- How I could love someone so completely and strongly as I've never loved another human before he came into this world

- How much pride could well up in my heart each time he accomplishes something. Big or small no matter. Just to look at him and see his individual strengths and personality is such a reward in life.

- How worry about one person's well being could be so consuming. Wanting the best for him. Wanting him to be the best he can be. Worry that I somehow don't measure up as a mom. That I have not taught him all that I should or shown him the best way to handle a difficult situation.

- He's taught me that life is full of many many options. So much more than when I was young. Activities and events that will help shape him. Help him learn what he loves, where his strengths are, how to fit in the world.

Tristan is such a special child. His genuine concern for others makes me so very proud. His heart is filled with compassion, laughter, and friendship. My hope for him is that he will remain as compassionate. That he will be an incredible father one day just like his daddy is to him. That he will continue in his walk with the Lord and grow in his faith. These and so many more hopes and dreams all tied into one little boy. Happy Birthday Son. We love you more than words can say.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our First Stitches

First, this is how the little munchins started out the day. Looking all cute in their new Alvin and the chipmunks shirts:

Then our Dancing Dalton was was dancing and spinning at Ms. Annette's and fell and hit his head on the coffee table. I rushed from work to get him to the urgent care. He was such an incredibly brave boy. He did not cry or scream or fuss in any way when they put him in a little straight jacket/papoose type thing to hold him still. Amazingly, he didn't cry when they gave him his four stitches or the numbing shots before hand. Daddy got a little pale faced and they asked if he would be ok. :) I can definitely understand though, as it took all my willpower just to be there and not cry or react in any way that would upset Dalton. Here are some photos of him napping after the whole experience:

They gave him blue medical gloves which made his day. He absolutely loves gloves and goes around the house quite often wearing winter gloves even though winter is over! Here he is proudly displaying his new found treasures:

Of course brothers had to get in on the act too: