I did not make an extensive one page list of everything to take to the park and forget eating utensils. Note for reference: While cake can be eaten with your hands, it is not recommended that you eat your ice cream in this manner :)
I did not forget to change the twins diapers in all the busy action of the day as this photo indicates:

And this same saggy diaper did not discharge two brown stinky lumps in the middle of our party which I then did not scoop up with a party napkin with the bright red parrots that matched my bright red face :)
And I most certainly did not start the sack race by saying, "On your mark, get set, go" while falling into a hole, twisting my ankle and falling to the ground laughing and nearly crying at the same time (while I might add my loving sister was grabbing her camera to take a picture :)
Nope, not me. I would never recount these moments for all those in cyberspace to read and laugh wholeheartedly at, no, not me!
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.