Another exciting event was this weekend. On Saturday morning for some reason Collin remembered that Tristan once got to ride an elephant and was talking to me about it. Later that day I was in a store in town and noticed some ads for a small circus in town that evening. It was the same circus that Tristan was able to ride the elephant in! I decided to surprise Collin and take him to ride the elephant. He was not sick like Tristan was so I decided to take him out. I ended up with a surprise of my own. Years ago when we took Tristan, you were able to pay just to ride the elephants outside the circus tent. This year, you had to pay admission to the circus just to ride the elephants because they had the circus inside a building. After he was so excited about this, how could I turn away and tell him no? So, we ended up staying for the circus. Poor Charlotte (Annette's daughter) had come with us to help Collin on the elephant so I could take pictures. She ended up being with us for over 3 hours for the circus. She loves animals so I think she enjoyed seeing them at least! Here are some photos of the event. Collin was wide eyed and really enjoyed his special night out:

Ironically when I went to take pictures of Collin on the elephant, the photos all came out blurry! They only went around the ring one time so I didn't have time to figure out how to correct the photos. Here are a couple of blurry images of his magical moment:

After Charlotte and Collin were off the elephants I was able to get a clear picture of others riding the elephants so at least we'd have a clear image of elephant riding :)

More photos of the evening. Not the best photo quality, but you get the general idea :)

At the end of the circus, you could pay extra to have your picture taken with the elephant. Something about this seemed more dangerous to me than riding them. Why, I'm not sure. Maybe the idea of my small little boy standing by a large animal's feet that could crush him if he got spooked had a little something to do with it. He was very upset that I would not let him do this, but my compromise was to let him stand on the opposite side of the fence and have his picture made. Here he is with Charlotte: