We headed over to the mall to see Santa. As we neared Santa, one of his elves told us that he was going to feed the reindeer and would be back in one hour. So, to fill the time, we went to build a bear. Last year we used money my grandma sent us to take the kids to build a bear for the first time. We got a deal last year in that we also received gift cards for a fraction of their price. We used those gift cards to buy each a new bear this year. They could only get a bear, no clothes, etc. and they had a blast. They love picking them out and putting the heart in and stuffing him. Here is a picture of the little ones "washing" their new animal:

We had to stand in a long line to see Santa, but it was worth it. This year the twins weren't afraid like last year http://4boys2luv.blogspot.com/2008/12/its-most-wonderful-time-of-year.html. Here are a couple of photos with the boys with Santa. I loved it because Santa told them they needed to get along and not fight and I told them that he was definitely watching them :)

Of course after all this activity, they were very tired on the way home. Is this not the sweetest picture?