Is it really 2011? I am still in denial and continue to think 2010. So much has happened in 3 months I sometimes feel like I am in a time space warp. Still trying to catch up with myself :) There have been many changes in the Davis household. First, my grandmother went into the hospital on 12/31 because of back pain and difficulty breathing. I spent the next 18 days talking to her and planning a trip home to see her. Travel to the stormy northeast and leaving children behind is a difficult thing. All my plans were shattered as she died on the Tuesday of the week my sister and I planned to arrive. She had Stage 4 lung cancer which had spread to her bones and most of her body. I prayed for her comfort above all else and our wise and merciful God gave her just that, the best comfort there is by removing her from this life and allowing her to be with Him. Pain free, no more sadness, and the ability to be with her son, her daughter, her husband. My 6 year old summed it up best "Now she doesn't have to use her walker or wheelchair any more, does she mom?" I agreed and told him she might even be dancing as she had no more pain. So now it is just myself and my sister (and of course our families). God uses things for good and during the trip we met some incredible people. My sister and I got to know my grandmother's sister and we fell in love. She looks like my grandmother, has many of her maneurisms, and was so good to us in helping us sort through all of grandma's things. We formed an immediate bond which helped us through this difficult time. We also met some incredible folks who live in the retirement community. Senior citizens, disabled individuals, people with such a sweet spirit you cannot even imagine. I think of them often and know my grandmother was very blessed to be surrounded by such a great group of folks. I am so thankful we made it home this summer (see the 10/17 post about generations). I still have a hard time when I cannot pick up the phone to call her. Anyone who still has a mom, dad, or grandparent alive should be so thankful. There are people like me who would give anything for one more day, one more smile, one more memory. Too often familes fight and disagree over what amounts to nothing in the big picture. Cherish the amazing gift of family, it is one you can never replace once it is gone.
Our other major changes include Jim taking a new job where he will work in an office each day instead of in the field. It is a promotion for him and I am so so happy for him as I know it was his heart's desire. We also made a change in daycare and now have someone coming to the house each day to take care of the boys. They are so happy being in their own home. It has made my life so much easier by not having to load everyone up twice a day. Now my litte ones can sleep in if they want as well. We have loved the new change.
I find myself yearning not only for Spring but Summer. My grandmother told me days before she died that she wanted to see another summer. I understood this so well as it is truly one of my favorite times of year. No school, no homework for the boys, just the time to be children and play and explore. Family vacations, late nights, lots of time outside and some incredible family memories. Somehow there is a part of me that feels like I need to live this summer for Grandma as well, to truly experience life and appreciate what I have. To relax some more and enjoy my children. I hope that we are able to do that (and even more!).
We haven't taken many pictures lately so I'll just post a couple I didn't post earlier. Hope you and your family are having a good New Year.