Last month we celebrated the twin's 5th birthday. Dalton picked a monster truck cake and Nathan wanted Mickey Mouse. We had their party at the gymnastics center and they had a blast. They were some tired children afterward!

On their actual birthday we took them to Chick Fil A where they were having their special children's day as they do on Tuesdays. They loved the slide and so did the Chick Fil A cow :) They were so excited when the cow came out to slide down! They call Chick Fil A the "Cow Place" and they are always so happy to see the cow!

We were able to take a whole week off and enjoy the beach and it was incredible. There is nothing like the beach!
Collin hates to have his picture taken so he was not cooperating :)

Brotherly Love

Jim had this great idea for a picture:

Beach time!

We visited the aquarium and my shark lovers were in heaven!

They loved the other fish critters as well:

Tristan being a ham bone:

A trip to the aquarium is not complete without our "crabby" pictures. See here for the 2008 pictures, my how they have grown:

They loved watching the otters play and the scuba show:
I'm glad we were able to take a family vacation and enjoy summer. Now it is time for back to school!