This will probably be a long post since it has been so long since I've posted! It has been a whirlwind. Jim had laser surgery on his remaining kidney stones on 12/15 and has been in pain every day since (except for yesterday which was his first pain free day YEAH!). It has been hard on everyone, him for the pain and the kids because they wanted to play with Daddy and couldn't, and me for being a "single parent" during the busy Christmas season!
The time leading up to Christmas was very busy. I felt like I was baking in a cake marathon! :) First, we had our work Christmas party. We did Secret Santa and I drew my friend Jennifer's name. I had fun giving her the gifts all week and trying to keep it a surprise. She introduced me to a blog called
Cake Wrecks. One of the cakes on this site is a pretty funny looking cake where mohawk-wearing babies are riding carrots! Who knows why a cake would be created like this, but she and I found it very funny, so I made her one. Here are a couple of photos:

Collin and I attended a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's (Collin loves this place!) and I made a firetruck cake with cupcakes with fireman on them:

One night we went to visit Santa. As you can see by these pictures, the twins were not impressed :):

Two Wednesday nights each month I help in the Mission Friends class at our church. The children range from age 2 through 5 and we usually have a room full! I think I learn as much from the children as they do from me sometimes and I really enjoy being with them. Collin loves it too when Mommy is his teacher :) On the 17th I made them a Happy Birthday Jesus cake. I made one last year and one of the children remembered and asked for it again this year. Its great to hear the little ones talk about Jesus's birthday. Here is a picture of this year's cake:

On 12/18 Tristan had his party for Karate. He received his yellow belt! We are so proud of him and he plans to continue on in Karate. He really enjoys it and we love it as it teaches him discipline. I baked the cake for the class. Here are some pictures:

On Friday (12/19) my last day of work, I took Tristan to school and brought in reindeer cupcakes for his class as well as goody bags for the kids and presents for his two teachers. I then took Jim to the Dr. to get his stint out, drove him home, and rushed into work. I also took a cake to work with me that day to give to a former coworker for her son's birthday. Here are a couple of photos:

On Saturday, we were on the float for our church in the Christmas parade. The twins were angels, Tristan was a shepherd, and Collin was himself :) He didn't want to wear a costume he said. They were all were great. The twins were going to be with Daddy watching the parade, but he wasn't feeling well from his surgery so they came along. It worked out great, the weather was nice (not too cold) and the kids were on their best behavior. We had to be at the float at 12:00 and the parade didn't start until 2:00. I brought plenty of snacks including some Christmas cookies and juice boxes for all the kids after the ride. We had a great time and our Church handed out Candy canes with bible verses out to folks along the way. Here are some photos:

On Sunday nights our church offers an
Awana program and I help teach Tristan's class (the Sparks). This past Sunday all the classes went in front of the church for a program. They recited Bible verses they had memorized. Even Collin's class is able to recite scripture! I was a very proud momma, not only for my boys but for all the kids we work with. It is amazing to see them recite scripture they learned weeks ago. Tristan loves this program and was concerned that the program meant it was over. I had to explain that it runs through the school year and he was happy as he loves going on Sunday nights. Each night the children spend time hearing a bible story, reciting their scripture, and playing games. Here are some photos of our Sunday program:
Collin's class
Collin reciting his verse
Story time
Tristan's class (actually about 1/2 the class as some were travelling for the holidays)
Tristan reciting his verses
All classes sang Christmas carols at the end with the entire church

On Tuesday, I took the boys to my work to give my coworker/friend a Christmas cake I had baked her. Brianna came with us. They had a blast because my friend Jasmine gave them bunches of candy and goodies. Here is the cake I made her. Collin says I need to make one for him now! :)

We have also had fun this week making a gingerbread house and Christmas cookies. The kids (and Brianna) decorated these themselves.

Anyone in for a sprinkle overdose?
I'll post Christmas photos and our pictures of going to see Christmas lights later. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Perhaps you can see why I didn't have time to send Christmas cards this year! :)