Maybe if I hide on the other side of this bush they won't see me

If these boys think they can sneak up on me, they are sooo wrong!

Bad idea, need to hide behind this bush perhaps?


Silly me, I forgot thanksgiving was yesterday and they eat Turkey, not chicken!

Best Buds

The five days with cousins flew by. We had a great time. On Friday my sweet hubby was very brave and watched all 7 little ones by himself while Carolyn, Tina, and I went shopping for the entire day. The chicken run photos were taken by him that day :) He also helped out around her house by hauling in some more wood to get Carolyn through the next month or so. He took the boys hunting and a great time was had by all. No snow this trip, but they sure got some the morning after we left. Maybe we'll get in some snow sometime to play this winter! We miss you cousins very much!
I just wanted to first of all put a disclaimer on these photo's saying that "NO CHICKENS WERE HURT IN THE FILKMING OF THIS VIDEO". Secondly, I wanted to give a great big shout out and a huge THANK YOU to uncle for watching all my monsters for the day. He is an awesome uncle and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate everything you each did. TJ is still talking about his hunting with uncle and goes out and stands by the woods looking for deer with his orange hat on. Thanks so much!! The wood is great too! Nice and warm we are at -5 degree's tonight. Blow north wind blow, you cannot chill us!!
I will really ruin him next spring when we come up. He is old enough to learn how to river fish, hard core style. After I am done with him you won't be able to pry him off the river, he will be bugging you everyday to let him go to the river. Once you say yes he will be gone for the day, trust me I know this from experience.
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