I'm riding in your car....

You turn on the radio....Anyone remember this catchy little Olivia Newton John tune (at least I think it was her)? If not, you are way too young to be reading this blog (HEE HEE). The rest of that song does not apply, something about kissing and ooooh Fire...not with your cousins anyhow.. But seriously, how cute are these guys in the little Barbie jeep? Do you think their manhood will be threatened when they are teenagers and I pull out this photo of them in the Barbie Jeep? NOT, but wait there are more pictures to come...
Tristan's first Trout

Jim took the kids fishing a few times and they all had a blast. Tristan caught his first trout and was very proud. Daddy let him bring it home and cook it up which they thought was way cool, the boys especially liked preparing him for dinner (I will skip the details, but let's suffice it to say it was like Biology class all over again). Don't you just love how they are all holding up their hands to show their pride in the catch? :) Jim claims this is bigger than my previous trout, but I do not believe so. Of course it has been soooo many years since Mommy went Trout fishing (BK-before Kids), perhaps I will have to find some old fishing shots of myself and post here as proof, HMMM?
Don't hate us because we are beautiful
So, what was I doing when the big ones were off fishing? Having fun with the wee little ones of course. Nathan and Dalton decided baby Abby's hair bows were very fascinating and that it was not fair that she got to wear them:

Doesn't she look so cute? I called her Pebbles.
But then little Bam Bams said, let us join the fun. Of course I had to pull out the camera, what good mom let's a photo op like this pass by? Plus I had to make Jim cringe just a little :)

1 comment:
LOL!!! I love the hair clips.
Congratulations Tristan on your first trout. That is such a big catch. I hope it was tasty. :)
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