Over the weekend Tristan had his first school friend over. The only other kids he's ever had overnight were his cousins or Caylee, so this was a new "first". His friend Cody spent the night and they had a lot of fun. Of course little brothers wanted to be part of all the action. We let Tristan and Cody spend the night in a tent in the livingroom. The next morning (after the twins woke them up of course) the twins were quick to jump in the tent:

Cody brought his Rockband PS2 game which of course the twins found fascinating. Here they are pretending to "Jam out" on the guitars:

Do you think I should be worried that there will be a band of Davis boys playing in my house in the future? :)
Of course the cold weather makes me want to bake. I made Rice Krispy treats for the boys, but Cody did not like them (I never met a kid who didn't like Rice Krispy treats!). But that was ok because Jim was happy to have more for himself as they are one of his favorites as well :) I then decided to try a recipe I have had for some time. I have been searching for a recipe for a cake like my mom use to make when I was younger. It contained milk. I found a recipe for Mohawk Milk cake. Since the area I am originally from is known for the Mohawk Indians (and this recipe was credited to a Mohawk Indian), I thought it might be like Mom's. Well, I was a little skeptical when the recipe called for 2 tablespoons of baking powder, that is usually measured in teaspoons. But being a new recipe, I decided I would follow it exactly the first time. Well, needless to say everyone in the house got the biggest laugh out of my cake which ended up being a volcano cake. First, it "erupted" and began dripping all over my oven. I used a cookie sheet pan to catch all the drippings, but the cake and pan were pretty scary looking as Jim had to capture on film:

Then as the cake cooled, it began to become a sinking pit also captured on film by my loving husband:

Finally, he could not resist taking one last photo of the finished sloping product:

At least it still tasted pretty good! :) Collin sure does love it, so I guess it had some success!
What is a post without a picture of Dashing Dalton and his fashion statement? :)

Jim left yesterday for Philadelphia again. We will not get to see him over the weekend which will be a change for the boys. They are already asking for him so I told them we can try to make videos and pictures for Daddy to see while he is away. Here are tonight's videos for you Daddy. We love you and miss you lots!
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