Tristan slept most of the day on Saturday and when he woke up, he slowly started to feel better. His other ear drum ruptured but I honestly think it brought him relief. The others were full of energy (even though they each have their own ailments) so we played and tried to enjoy the nice weather. Sunday morning the pediatrician's office called to say Nathan's culture was positive for strep (surprise surprise). They planned to call in the same medicine as they did for Collin until I told them that 3 pharmacies did not carry it yesterday and the one that did was not open on Sunday. So, they called in something different for Nate. Luckily, it was a a store that offers a drive thru which is a blessing when you have 4 small sick children with you! We had to stay home from church because Nathan was still contagious. Luckily Dalton was already on his 2nd round of antibiotics for his ear infection so they assure me he is safe.
I do feel like a nurse lately. I was a little freaked out this evening when I realized that I am only suppose to give Tristan his meds once a day, and I cannot remember but think I gave it to him twice yesterday. Jim assured me he is still alive so we shouldn't worry, but it bothered me as I try to be so careful with their meds. Three get theirs once a day now, and one twice a day. Plus Tristan is to get eardrops for his eardrums. The Davis pharmacy is open again! :)
Daddy is suppose to be home tomorrow and I know we will all be glad to see him. At least we should be healthy for Easter!
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and this too shall pass
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