Thursday, June 4, 2009

Take me out to the ball game....

This is the first year with two boys playing a sport at the same time and whew, do we feel like the sports bus :) I do love watching them play though. It is hard to describe the feeling you get watching your child play a sport. It is rewarding in so many ways. I love to watch them give their all and to catch them checking to see our reaction when they make it to base. Each game feels like the world series. I don't care if they win or lose. In fact, Tristan's team is last in the league. But to watch them put so much of themself in something and to see the pure joy it gives them is beyond measure. Here are some photos of my "little sluggers"

Can't include a post without showing the 2 little munchins. The first picture is them snuggling up together on the couch. I love it when they are like this!

The next picture is what I found when I walked out into the kitchen one morning. Nathan had found a Pepsi I bought for Jim and managed to open it himself (and he sure was enjoying it until he got busted!):

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