Nanna arrived 9/1 and the boys were so happy to have her here with them. She left on 9/19 and for days they asked if Nanna was home (at our house).
On 9/8 Collin started Preschool. He is going to the same preschool Tristan did when he was three (I cannot believe that has been 5 years already). He absolutely loves preschool and is so excited to tell us about his days there. He goes for half a day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is so nice to see him so excited about learning and being at school. He doesn't understand why he doesn't get to ride the school bus yet though :)
The rest of our month has been filled with baseball games. For the first time, Tristan is playing fall ball. His summer coach was coaching again and we really enjoyed his coach and thought it would be a good experience for Tristan. He is having a good time. We are running ragged though as he is also still in Karate. I always said I would never have my children in 2 events at one time. Never say never! He loves karate and it is only 1 night a week. It is rough though balancing two activities. He only has 8 or 10 games total, so it isn't a long-term time struggle.
Collin has also started soccer. He really enjoys practices. He runs constantly and his little face gets red and his hair all sweaty, but he is all smiles. He has his first game next week and I cannot wait to see him in an actual game. Ought to make for some good photos to post for sure!
I have been busy with baking. We had our local Relay for Life fundraiser in town and I baked some cupcakes and other goodies for our local mommies group to sell. I found a great idea online where you put the cupcakes in a cup and wrap in cellophane. It makes it easy to take and eat individually, and they look pretty cute. Here is a photo of the cupcakes I made and a few packaged and ready for sale:

I've done two baby shower cakes (and cupcakes for one shower):

And last weekend I attempted to make a baseball breaking a window cake. Jim pointed out the window is a little small for the ball, but I couldn't make them a huge cake and they have to eat it for days :)

And in case you are nauseated from all this sugar, I leave you with this cute picture of a squirrel building a nest in a tree in our driveway. We watched him do this for a while and the boys really enjoyed watching him carry branch after branch to make this huge nest:

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