I was at a Women of Faith conference this past weekend and was really moved and inspired by the women there. Hearing the difficulties these women have been through in life and how they relied on their faith to get them through was amazing. These women were beautiful, successful women. You might look at them at think their life is wonderful, a dream. They all talked about how difficult life can be. I was moved from laughter to tears many times. I thought about my own life and the lives of women around me who have experienced some difficult times recently. It made me realize even more how important my faith is and how I hope that each person can find their way to God. I cannot imagine my life without Him in it. These incredible people have Him in their life, and they have been blessed with an incredible voice and a gift of sharing their faith through music, who you might ask? Why none other than Mandisa and Steven Curtis Chapman. Wow, they were amazing:

Other events of the past month include the big boys first trip to a Nascar race, two school field trips, and a trip to Auntie's house. Here is a photographic retelling of these journeys:
The "Boys" at the Race. Notice their "clean" pants:

But I am thankful they didn't come home looking like this at least :)

Tristan's class went to Maple View Farms Agricultural Center. It was a lot of fun and the kids really enjoyed it.
The kids loved petting this sweet calf

They also enjoyed when the pigs were given pumpkins. The pigs love pumpkins and run to eat the pumpkins as fast as the farmers throw them to them.

I wish I had taken a video at one point when the pig was standing at the fence "talking back" to the kids who were talking to him. It was very cute. I managed to get a picture of him peering through the fence though:

The calves are kept in these little "barns/houses".

Tristan petting the Llama

Another "attraction" was "Charlotte" who was found above one of the animal pens :)

The kids also loved watching the goats play fight. I think the goats enjoyed having an audience as well ;)

Collin's preschool went to Brown's Pumpkin Farm and we had a blast there as well. You start by picking your own corn and soybeans from the field. Here is my little farmer in the field gathering crops:

Of course he loved feeding the crops to the animals too:

He was also fascinated by all the bees on the sunflowers and some that had been caught by spiders on the flowers:

He had a good chuckle too when I fed this huge slobbering cow and she left a pile of slobber on my hand, sorry no photos of the slobber, just the cow ;)

One of the exciting moments for the kids was when our tractor pulling our hay ride became stuck in this mud:

This is a picture of the tractors being traded out between hay wagons. Our original tractor was the smaller one on the left, we then had the big tractor on the right come to pull us out of the muck. The kids were loving the extra adventure!

Here are some more photos of the trip:
No words for this one ;)

Feed ME!

And if you haven't had enough of the animal shots, here is my cupcake impression of a zebra and a pink zebra :) I did these for Annette's daughter's 16th Birthday:

When we went to Auntie's house, we traveled into Tennessee. We were originally going to go to a pumpkin farm, but we were rained out. Instead we visited a train and a covered bridge. Just having fun together as a family comes naturally to this group:


What were they looking at you might ask?

Why the river flowing below:

I personally was wanting to live in this awesome purple house next to the bridge:

But then again, either of these two neighboring houses would have suited me fine as well :)

Isn't this bridge and surrounding area beautiful?

Collin kept trying to throw rocks to get the ducks to move. Thankfully he didn't hit them with any. I finally convinced him that was not the way to get them to move!

We ended our day by trick or treating in downtown Boone. Here is our motley crue :)

Whew, I think that is enough for one night, don't you? Hope it makes up for my hiatus...
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