His line in the play was "Jesus is God's gift to us." A very true line indeed as I want them to know that Jesus is the best Christmas present any of us has received:
We then had a beautiful snowfall before Christmas. We had a few inches at the house and the boys loved it! Here are some photos of the snow at Annette's house and our house:

Mmmm Mmmm good!

On 12/20 Collin and Tristan were in the Christmas program at church. They were so cute! All the kids did so well. Tristan was one of the wise guys and then he and Collin were shepherds at the end of the play. Here is a video of Tristan singing and a couple of photos:

We also had a party at Daycare. Santa made an appearance and the boys were all very funny:

Christmas morning at our house was great. It was so much fun watching them open their presents. They were still half dressed so I'm not able to share many pictures :) Here is Dalton with his favorite present:

And Collin and Nathan in their new PJs and Collin has his favorite present, his talking Panda bear:

And finally, we'll end with a cute picture...
You can't see me!

We wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year. We feel blessed with our good health and memories that we have made as a family and look forward to many more memories to be made in 2010.
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