- wipe down counter tops, stove, microwave
- sweep and quick mop kitchen floor
- sweep and quick mop the dining room
- clean the highchairs
- pick up the living room
- vacuum the living room
- fold and put away at least one load of clothes
- wash and put another load in the dryer
- clorox wipe the bathroom
Then I take a quick shower, get myself ready, and by then the twins are up and need to be changed and have a juice, etc. Evenings are spent feeding, bathing, and spending time together. I just do not remember how I spent my evenings in my "former life" :) What did I do with all that time? Did I get to read books, watch tv? I know one day when my children are all grown I will once again have free time. I will then miss doing all the things I use to do for them. Ironic isn't it? The grass always looks greener on the other side :)
I have a great husband and cannot imagine how we would get it done if we didn't work together. He takes care of the dishwasher and the trash and getting the twins their bath (plus a nightly ritual of wrestling!). A family of six makes a lot of dirty dishes and clothes! I told my friend last night to multiply her laundry times six. She could not imagine!
It is nice to be getting back to "normal" this week. Here are some photos of the week:
Cowboy Collin
Collin came out wearing this and told us that he is Cowboy Collin!

2 hats are better than 1!

The boys love working out in the yard with Daddy. I had to get this little wheelbarrow at Walmart when I found it. They will have a ball working with Daddy!

Tug 'O War...Who do you think will win?

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