I took the day off on Friday and spent the morning alone with Tristan. He goes back to school in one week! We had a blast. We started out at the coffee shop and they made him a chocolate mocha without the coffee of course. He played games on their computer with another boy and I actually got to read the paper and enjoy my coffee drink! From there we went to Walmart for our back to school sneakers and backpack, plus a few other things. We stopped by to visit Joy and asked her to meet us for lunch at Pizza Hut. Tristan then got in a quick game of bowling and then off to lunch at Pizza Hut. After lunch we picked up Collin. We went back to Palace Pointe and played games in the arcade for over an hour. They had a ball and enjoyed the candies and trinkets they got for their points in the end. We then went to McDonalds for the boys to play outside and to eat an ice cream cone. It started to rain so we had to cut our outdoor activities. We then went to Walmart and let Collin help us make us a list for his birthday. Of course there are so many things on this list that it would take us a few birthdays and Christmases to fill! I love though that little things bring him such joy. He was excited about a fake rubber snake and one of those recorders that you play in school. I think his imagination will carry him far in life. After Walmart, it was time to come back home.
I then got a girl's night out with Annette and Lisa! We went to Michael's and AC Moore and did I ever have fun. Those stores for me are like a candy store is to a kid! We then went to dinner at TGI Fridays and just enjoyed laughing and talking. Dinner without having to chase someone or change a diaper was amazing :)
On Saturday I went to a crop from 9-5. I took our beach pictures and put most of those in a scrapbook. It was great reliving our great vacation through pictures. I had not been to a crop since April so it felt good to spend the day doing it again.
In the evening we went to the drive-in in Henderson. They had a special event where the Star Wars characters were there 2 hours before the new Star Wars animated film. Other celebrity guests included Boss Hoggs and Roscoe P. Coltrain! My sister would have been in heaven as much as she use to make me watch the Dukes of Hazzard growing up! The boys played with their "light sabers" and really enjoyed the characters. Here are some pictures of the night of Celebrities :)
My Jedi Warriors!
Lisa's friend has a 3 month old baby girl. Needless to say the twins loved her. Here are some cute pictures of them kissing her. They said it was her first kiss :)
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