Today I had a "day off". Let me clarify, from my day/office job, not my other full time job of mother, housekeeper, taxi driver....That job comes with no vacation, but plenty of priceless benefits. Like when we were in the Pediatrian's office and I was fruitlessly trying to fill out paperwork that I had just filled out just 8 short days ago (because it must be filled out each visit in case the child's birthdate or something like that has changed :) I was using the office pen because I can never keep one in my purse (little hands seem to make them disappear). This office pen was not one you would ever mistakenly put in your own purse at it had a flower with a very long stem taped to the top of it. As I was trying to write while chasing/watching/entertaining 4 small children, Nathan walked up and sniffed the top of that large flower which brought a little laughter in the waiting room. Ah to be young and not realize that some flowers are not really flowers :)
Or when we were at the playground playing while waiting for Tristan to complete his Yellow belt test (Which he did my little Karate man!!). A third grade girl was explaining to her 4-5 year old sister that another boy on the play ground "had anger issues." As I was silently snickering about this, Collin walked up to me with a big grin on his face and said "Did you hear what she said about me?" I had to ask to which he replied "She says I have 10 babies." Whew, don't know where that interpretation came from but that made me laugh even more. It was even funnier later as I listened to a conversation between this same 4-5 year old and Collin. Collin had definitely met his match and I only wish I had recorded it on video for later. Who knows, maybe they will date one day as she definitely could hold her own with him ;) She was explaining to him how she did not like boys, let me clarify, how she HATED boys. They are so rude, etc. etc. He said "Well, I like Girls." "My friend Katie, she is really nice to me." (Cousin Katie :))
Collin then started to climb like a monkey on places on the play area that he shouldn't as I kept asking him to stop. She then proceeded to tell him how he needed to listen to his Mother and not disobey. I said "Wow, girls must listen better than boys.". She of course agreed with this statement and repeated this "fact" to him. It was kind of fun to have a "little mother" there, if nothing else but to watch them banter :)
We did survive our doctor's visit quite well though. Dalton still has an ear infection and has started another 10 days of antibiotics, but the other three are fine. The doctor did tell me I could throw away the amoxicillin once I shared with her that they had not been sleeping very much since they had been on it. I told her I wasn't aware that an antibiotic could cause insomnia, but if you google it, sure enough a few sites list this as well as hyperactivity as a possible side effect. It definitely affected them. Tonight they were all asleep by 9:30 which was amazing. I don't know if it was from pure exhaustion or coming off the meds, but I'm hoping their sleep schedules return to normal.
One last story for the day...Today I made a futile effort, to try to bleach the not-so-white socks of all the men in my house. Yes, if you were to look at all the socks of the male species in this house, you would not find a pristine pair among them. You might even wonder whether someone bothered to wash them. Unless someone owns stock in a sock factory and can supply me with a new supply each week, I'm afraid I'm doomed to life filled with not-so-nice socks. You see this is a Davis genetic trait. It starts with the oldest Davis male in the house who can never seem to put on one of the MANY pairs of slippers his wife has bought for this purpose when he walks outside. I feel like the sock tyrant yelling out the door for one of them to put on some shoes as they wander into our red clay yard in their socks. Sigh. I just wanted you to feel my pain. Life with this many men can be exasperating, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Dirty socks and all :)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
First, my apologies to anyone who thought I'd disappeared from the "blogosphere". Life just seems to fly by sometimes. My life lesson: When you think your life has settled into a boring type of routine and you think you need some kind of change, think again! The grass always looks greener :) After traveling across country, it has taken us some time to get "back in the groove". I found myself longing for our everyday routine again!
It does seem like things have settled down some. All the kids seem to have recovered from their sickness and our followup visit with the Dr. tomorrow will confirm or deny. Three had strep throat (in addition Tristan had a double ear infection with one ear so bad they thought the eardrum would rupture) and Dalton had a bad ear infection, but no strep. Here is a photo of the "Davis Pharmacy":
And here's the "sick room"

Here are a couple of cute shots of the day. First is Nathan demonstrating the newest way to ride a scooter in case you are too tired to stand:

And here is our little rock star, Dalton:

Joy's parents had their 50th wedding anniversary and she asked me to make their cake. I still have a lot to learn about tiered cakes (special thanks to Jennifer for all her tips!), so I am never pleased with my end result. Joy was happy with it and that is all that really matters:

Jen/Jimmy: This is what Nate will look like after coming in out of the rain, notice the lovely shade of no-longer white socks? :)

Unless, you actually donned your rain boots (but forgot your pants of course):

No one freak out and put me in the parent "hall of shame" they only followed Daddy outside long enough to feed the dogs, I didn't actually let them stay outside in the rain for long! :)
I'll end today's post with some photos. I'll try to post sooner than three weeks next time :)
Stop in the name of love!

These boots were made for walking

Dalton's fashion tip of the day: Start by wearing your oldest brothers shoes, and top it off with a Dorothy the Dinosaur hat, that'll sure turn their heads!

Some Daddy snuggle time after bath:

It does seem like things have settled down some. All the kids seem to have recovered from their sickness and our followup visit with the Dr. tomorrow will confirm or deny. Three had strep throat (in addition Tristan had a double ear infection with one ear so bad they thought the eardrum would rupture) and Dalton had a bad ear infection, but no strep. Here is a photo of the "Davis Pharmacy":

And here's the "sick room"

Here are a couple of cute shots of the day. First is Nathan demonstrating the newest way to ride a scooter in case you are too tired to stand:

And here is our little rock star, Dalton:

Joy's parents had their 50th wedding anniversary and she asked me to make their cake. I still have a lot to learn about tiered cakes (special thanks to Jennifer for all her tips!), so I am never pleased with my end result. Joy was happy with it and that is all that really matters:

Jen/Jimmy: This is what Nate will look like after coming in out of the rain, notice the lovely shade of no-longer white socks? :)

Unless, you actually donned your rain boots (but forgot your pants of course):

No one freak out and put me in the parent "hall of shame" they only followed Daddy outside long enough to feed the dogs, I didn't actually let them stay outside in the rain for long! :)
I'll end today's post with some photos. I'll try to post sooner than three weeks next time :)
Stop in the name of love!

These boots were made for walking

Dalton's fashion tip of the day: Start by wearing your oldest brothers shoes, and top it off with a Dorothy the Dinosaur hat, that'll sure turn their heads!

Some Daddy snuggle time after bath:

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Our Whirlwind Day
We started off the morning with the boys taking a ride on Papason's motorcycle and 4 wheeler. They all loved it and had a blast! Here are some photos of their adventure:

We then took a trip to the coast. Oregon is much different than NC. In NC, the coast and mountains are at opposite ends of the state. In OR, you have to travel through the mountains to get to the beach. Jim use to travel to the coast when he was younger and we wanted the boys to see the West Coast as well. Here are some photos of our day:

The large rocks are called Seal Rock. It was known for large numbers of seals being on the rocks hence the name. Jim's mom said that people are always getting stranded out on the rocks because they don't pay attention to the tide:

In Newport, the Sea Lions come up on the docks. The boys really enjoyed them:

We saw two herds of Elk on our trip home. Jim's mom got one on film:

I'll end today's post by showing you what I love most about Oregon. COFFEE ON EVERY CORNER VIA DRIVE THRU. How great is that?
We then took a trip to the coast. Oregon is much different than NC. In NC, the coast and mountains are at opposite ends of the state. In OR, you have to travel through the mountains to get to the beach. Jim use to travel to the coast when he was younger and we wanted the boys to see the West Coast as well. Here are some photos of our day:
The large rocks are called Seal Rock. It was known for large numbers of seals being on the rocks hence the name. Jim's mom said that people are always getting stranded out on the rocks because they don't pay attention to the tide:
In Newport, the Sea Lions come up on the docks. The boys really enjoyed them:
We saw two herds of Elk on our trip home. Jim's mom got one on film:
I'll end today's post by showing you what I love most about Oregon. COFFEE ON EVERY CORNER VIA DRIVE THRU. How great is that?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Our Trip to Portland
We traveled to Portland today and I tried to take a few pictures to share. Caylee, here are some photos for you to see a little of Oregon :) These are photos of the Willamette River and Willamette Falls:

There were a couple of really big and beautiful houses along the river that I tried to capture as we were going down the highway. The photos aren't that clear, but they will give you a general idea of these two houses:

Near Albany, OR there are a lot of flat fields and you see tons of birds. Here is one flock:

I don't know why, but the name of one town just cracks me up. Clackamas. Jim thinks I'm crazy, does anyone else think this name is cute and funny? :)

Tomorrow we are going on another adventure and to another scenic part of the state. Can you guess where? Stay tuned tomorrow for updates....
There were a couple of really big and beautiful houses along the river that I tried to capture as we were going down the highway. The photos aren't that clear, but they will give you a general idea of these two houses:
Near Albany, OR there are a lot of flat fields and you see tons of birds. Here is one flock:
I don't know why, but the name of one town just cracks me up. Clackamas. Jim thinks I'm crazy, does anyone else think this name is cute and funny? :)
Tomorrow we are going on another adventure and to another scenic part of the state. Can you guess where? Stay tuned tomorrow for updates....
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
We are in Oregon!
We are now in Oregon. Jim's dad passed away on Saturday and we flew out on Sunday. He had been sick for a while. I know his absence in Jim's life will be difficult as losing a parent is never easy. But I know that his Dad is no longer suffering and that brings comfort in some small way.
It was a challenging trip to say the least. Our flight was suppose to leave at 5:30 a.m. We arrived at the airport at 4:00 a.m. and then found out that our flight had been cancelled. We were flying through Atlanta, GA and they had snow! You would think flying through Atlanta, GA in early March would be a safe bet, but not so! We ended up not getting out until 11:00 a.m. By the time we arrived in Portland at 7:00 p.m. the boys were beyond exhausted. Dalton screamed for the last 1 1/2 hours of the trip. All he could say was "bye bye" over and over again. He wanted off that plane! Jim and I both agreed that after this trip, there will be no more airline trips for another 5 years or so at least!
The big ones did amazingly well. They enjoyed the airports, the planes, and the trip overall. Of course they are very happy to see their Nana as well as the rest of the family. I took some photos the other day when Jim and his friend Jim were out playing with the kids. It was a really warm day and the kids were squirting each other with a water bottle. Jim decided to be the big kid and pull out the watering can! :) Here are some photos of their water fights:

Tristan was amazed at all the large special rocks Nanna and Pappa had collected in their back yard. Right now his suitcase is full of them and he believes he is carrying them all home to NC. Of course no one can lift the suitcase right now, so I think we will have to be removing a few of them :)
The kids also had fun exploring the back yard with their Great Grandma, GiGi:
It was a challenging trip to say the least. Our flight was suppose to leave at 5:30 a.m. We arrived at the airport at 4:00 a.m. and then found out that our flight had been cancelled. We were flying through Atlanta, GA and they had snow! You would think flying through Atlanta, GA in early March would be a safe bet, but not so! We ended up not getting out until 11:00 a.m. By the time we arrived in Portland at 7:00 p.m. the boys were beyond exhausted. Dalton screamed for the last 1 1/2 hours of the trip. All he could say was "bye bye" over and over again. He wanted off that plane! Jim and I both agreed that after this trip, there will be no more airline trips for another 5 years or so at least!
The big ones did amazingly well. They enjoyed the airports, the planes, and the trip overall. Of course they are very happy to see their Nana as well as the rest of the family. I took some photos the other day when Jim and his friend Jim were out playing with the kids. It was a really warm day and the kids were squirting each other with a water bottle. Jim decided to be the big kid and pull out the watering can! :) Here are some photos of their water fights:
Tristan was amazed at all the large special rocks Nanna and Pappa had collected in their back yard. Right now his suitcase is full of them and he believes he is carrying them all home to NC. Of course no one can lift the suitcase right now, so I think we will have to be removing a few of them :)
The kids also had fun exploring the back yard with their Great Grandma, GiGi:
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