It does seem like things have settled down some. All the kids seem to have recovered from their sickness and our followup visit with the Dr. tomorrow will confirm or deny. Three had strep throat (in addition Tristan had a double ear infection with one ear so bad they thought the eardrum would rupture) and Dalton had a bad ear infection, but no strep. Here is a photo of the "Davis Pharmacy":

And here's the "sick room"

Here are a couple of cute shots of the day. First is Nathan demonstrating the newest way to ride a scooter in case you are too tired to stand:

And here is our little rock star, Dalton:

Joy's parents had their 50th wedding anniversary and she asked me to make their cake. I still have a lot to learn about tiered cakes (special thanks to Jennifer for all her tips!), so I am never pleased with my end result. Joy was happy with it and that is all that really matters:

Jen/Jimmy: This is what Nate will look like after coming in out of the rain, notice the lovely shade of no-longer white socks? :)

Unless, you actually donned your rain boots (but forgot your pants of course):

No one freak out and put me in the parent "hall of shame" they only followed Daddy outside long enough to feed the dogs, I didn't actually let them stay outside in the rain for long! :)
I'll end today's post with some photos. I'll try to post sooner than three weeks next time :)
Stop in the name of love!

These boots were made for walking

Dalton's fashion tip of the day: Start by wearing your oldest brothers shoes, and top it off with a Dorothy the Dinosaur hat, that'll sure turn their heads!

Some Daddy snuggle time after bath:

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