There were a couple of really big and beautiful houses along the river that I tried to capture as we were going down the highway. The photos aren't that clear, but they will give you a general idea of these two houses:
Near Albany, OR there are a lot of flat fields and you see tons of birds. Here is one flock:
I don't know why, but the name of one town just cracks me up. Clackamas. Jim thinks I'm crazy, does anyone else think this name is cute and funny? :)
Tomorrow we are going on another adventure and to another scenic part of the state. Can you guess where? Stay tuned tomorrow for updates....
I'm so sorry to hear about your
f-i-l. I hope your trip is going well.
Thanks for the pictures! We are enjoying them! Are we going to the coast?
Thank you. You guessed correctly Jenn. See ya on Monday. Been enjoying the pictures of Nate as well!
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