A baby donkey had just been born a day or two before we arrived. It was so cute!

The goats roamed freely around the farm. The boys tried to round them up of course

They had lots of kitties too who were not lacking from attention from the boys :)

This huge sheep greeted us when we walked out the cabin door. He was very vocal and loved being fed grass by the boys

The boys each had a turn at riding a horse around a ring. They thought they were big stuff!
We also visited the chocolate factory at Hershey. My fellow chocolate lovers really enjoyed taking the tour and buying lots of chocolate. We didn't buy this huge candy bar, but they loved holding it!

Throughout the factory tour you would see these talking cows. Nathan and Dalton thought they were cool of course

We stayed with my best friend from high school. It was so good to get together again. Our kids had fun playing together. Nathan decided her daughter Riley was his "girlfriend". They would walk across the yard holding hands and spent a lot of time together. They were so cute!

We had lots of fun visiting with Grandma too. I will post more pictures of the boys with Grandma later. For now, here we all are enjoying ice cream. I do miss NY's ice cream. Dairy farms were everywhere when I was growing up and there are ice cream shops all around.

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