We were excited that he has a teacher who has a lot of experience. The more experience the better when it comes to Collin :) He has done surprisingly well his first month, though. I have been so glad that he has been on good behavior a majority of the time.
Shortly after school started my new kindergartener celebrated his 6th birthday. We celebrated at the bowling alley with his friends and family. Collin really enjoyed himself. After our trip to the farm this summer (that I will post about soon) it was no suprise that he wanted a tractor theme. Here are some photos of his special day:

The twins also started part-time preschool. I attempted to take a picture of their first day, but as you can see by this succession of photos, it seems impossible to get a photo with both of them looking. Hats off to any photographer that can capture them both smiling and looking at the camera AT THE SAME TIME :)

This fall Tristan and Collin have played Fall baseball. I love Fall baseball as the weather is usually a little cooler, the atmosphere a little more relaxed, and of course because I get to see my little guys in action. I believe Tristan has found his "niche", he has started to be in the catcher position and he really seems to fit the part. I love to watch how serious he is. I plan to get a video this next week and try to post for you to see him in action. This still photo doesn't give you the full effect, but isn't he so cute in this stance?

The boys also went "mudding" with their dad after taking Grandma to the airport. Here is what they looked like when they were through. Needless to say, some of that mud DID NOT come out of their clothing. Perhaps next time I can wrap them in plastic wrap??

Finally, I'll end this post with a picture of my cuties. Jenn at church bought these for them and I think they look rather cute, don't you?

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