This is the cow barn. They have so many cattle that there usually is a pregnant cow and guests can see a cow giving birth:

Each morning after breakfast, the farmer would bring out the miniature horse named Cookie for the kids to ride. Cookie's best friend is a goat named Oreo who follows him everywhere!

Also after breakfast the kids could ride this cute train:

The farmer also took them for rides on his 4 wheeler and in a small wagon/cart he had made. Boys and things to ride go very well together :)

All the families sit together for breakfast. It is a great time of fellowship and the food is AMAZING!

If you get up early (which usually happens with our boys) the kids can get a chance to feed a baby calf who is just weeks old, they are so cute

The boys loved milking a cow, they did that at least a couple times each

This was their milking parlor, much more high tech than what I grew up with. The kids loved watching the big glass "jars" fill with milk:

Another favorite was getting eggs from the henhouse. There was one chicken who would try to protect her eggs and she would peck you. I called her "vicious chicken" which Jim thought was funny. I admit, I was scared of a chicken. On the last day I conquered my fears and took her eggs. She didn't peck hard so it didn't really hurt. The boys were so amazed that I did it but it also gave them the courage to try once I assured them the pecking did not hurt!

They had a very cute playhouse just outside the house where everyone stayed. This is a huge hit with kids:

Right next to the kids playhouse, was a little house for all the kitties :)

There were scooters and bicycles to ride and they rode around the farm:

There was also a hayride down the country roads which also went in 2 covered bridges(which I absolutely love). The scenery was georgeous. We even stopped at a yard sale along the way where I bought a beautiful painting of a Pennsylvania country farmhouse.

This was a huge Amish farm:

Inside one of the covered bridges:

There were corn fields as far as the eye could see:

There was also a smaller barn that housed the baby cows who were a little older than the ones the boys fed with a bottle:

An incredible time was had by all. I hope we get the opportunity to stay there again. I'd love to have cousins go with us, I know all the kids would have a blast!
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