Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Last night we pulled out our suitcases to pack to get ready to travel to cousin's house. The kids are very excited of course. Collin decided to turn his suitcase into a wagon and pull the twins around:

Today's fashion tip from Dalton

Always mix your patterns and colors to add variety and excitement to your wardrobe. Also don't bother taking off your pajamas before dressing, it justs adds another layer of style and dimension :)

Happy Birthday Mr. Welch

This weekend we went to our neighbor's birthday party. He turned 103! He is such an amazing man. He still lives independently and cooks for himself! We love listening to his stories and visiting when we can. I admire his Christianity. He reads his bible everyday and will often quote scripture. His love for the Lord is very evident and he not only speaks the words, but carries it out in actions. When he was in his 90s he came to my house to help my dad put my mailbox back up. He also watches over our house and us. He cares for others with a genuine heart and I believe God has blessed him with so many years because of his ability to show others Christ through his actions and words.

Friday, November 21, 2008

First Snow

We have our first snow of the season! Ironically I had been up for one hour and didn't even notice! When I woke Tristan up at 6:30, he came out into the living room and a few minutes later he said "We did get snow last night!" I couldn't believe it! Just a light dusting, but very pretty. Of course he wanted to go outside to play before school but there wasn't time. He managed to eat some snow along his path. I told him watch out for the yellow snow with 3 dogs around :)
Can't wait to go to my sister's house next week in Boone and hopefully see some more snow so we can play in it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Family Time

Tonight when Collin and I were driving home from Walmart, we rounded a corner and the moon was shining bright in front of us. "Wow!" he said. That alone made me smile. The wonder in a child's eyes never ceases to amaze me. He makes me the see the world with eyes anew. I told him that he could not see the entire moon tonight and he said "Yes, part of it is lost." Now, I'm not sure where it got lost, but that's his story and he is sticking to it! :)

Daddy took Tristan hunting for a little while on Saturday. He thought he was very cool getting to put camouflage paint on his face. Only now we are not sure whether he had a reaction to it, or got into poison ivy/oak, but we believe it is poison since it appears to be spreading. See Annette's blog for a picture of his beautiful rash. Here he was "painted up" and acting goofy:

Of course what is a post without Dalton wearing the latest fashions? His new thing is to get any clothes he can find and put them on. For this picture, he decided to try on one of my sweaters and one of my socks!

Last week we had our first "family project" due at school. They wanted our family to decorate a picture of a turkey. We had a great time working on it. I decided we would use each person's hand print for the feathers. How many students have 6 people in their house to use that many hand prints :) We then used leaves and various craft items to decorate and paint him. I think it was one cute Davis Turkey :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


What do you get when you cross a 2 year old with some running water, a couple of rolls of toilet paper, and a bathroom sink? Here's your answer:

Yes, that cloudy looking substance at the bottom of the sink is soggy toilet paper. Not a lot of fun to fish out of water. How you might ask, did we discover this concoction of Daltons? When water came flooding out of the bathroom and down the hallway! He just smiled as he walked by, but his wet hands gave him away.

Then there are his goofy moments when you just can't help but smile at him. Here he is modeling the newest fashions

And who could resist such displays of brotherly love?

Ah, but then there are the true moments of ingenuity and creativity. What do you do when you are two and you can't reach something you really want? Why you work as a team and use "tools". First, you spot some sunglasses up high and you talk to brother and determine how you are going to reach those sunglasses:

Now, carefully slide the sunglasses down to brother:

Then show off your accomplishment!

Check out Annette's blog for the story and additional pictures of the mohawks. Here is a shot later in the evening after Nathan decided to add a little Tomato soup to his new hairdo. No, that is not a head wound, just some new way to add a little color to your hair:

Ok, so life with boys is not all about mischief. Here is my prince charming. Last week when he and Caylee got off the bus, I had my camera handy and had to take his picture of him carrying her bag for her (along with his). My little gentleman!

And finally, to give me a glimpse of what little girls are all about, once in a while I get to bake a cake for a girl. Here is one I made recently that has become my new favorite. I even felt like a princess while putting it together :) Pink and purple are so refreshing sometimes :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

God's Beauty

Today was absolutely beautiful. Warm, sun shining, the leaves in full color. I got out of work early to attend Tristan's parent/teacher conference (he is doing Great! :) and had to take some photos of the beauty of the day. Too often I am so busy I don't take a look around like I should. I hope you get some time to take a look around at God's beauty. When all else may seem dim, there is always beauty to behold if we just open our eyes and our hearts.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Our Halloween was pretty hectic. I went to have lunch with Tristan and brought his class some Halloween cupcakes. I then rushed home to take Jim to the outpatient surgery center to have Lithotripsy done on one of his kidney stones. Our friend Doug came and sat with Jim that night while I took the boys to our church's Trunk or Treat. For those who have never been to one, it is a great way for families to enjoy Halloween night. There are a number of folks who park their cars in a large group. Many often decorate their cars and trucks with lights and other decorations. Our church also serves hot dogs and has games and inflatables (we had a big slide and a bounce house this year). The kids love it! Jim was pretty well out of it through Saturday, but this week he has been getting back to normal. It has been great to see him not having so much pain. Now one more kidney stone to go and hopefully this will be the end. I truly feel sorry for anyone who has had kidney stones. They are a lot more debilitating than you might think. The pain comes out of nowhere and when it hits, you are pretty much down. I joked and told Jim it is the equivalent to child birth for women. I told his nurse that he was ready to have that baby :)

Here are some photos of our Halloween. On Saturday, I had Annette's girls over and we had a little Halloween party with Halloween treats. I'll also include a couple of those pictures. Hope everyone had a great Halloween. Now onto Thanksgiving and yes CHRISTMAS! Boy how the year has flown!

Joe Boxer

The cutest pirate ever! :)

Thing 1 and Thing 2 from The Cat in the Hat...Scary as they sometimes act true to these characters :)

Have a little worm with your cupcake