Tuesday, November 11, 2008


What do you get when you cross a 2 year old with some running water, a couple of rolls of toilet paper, and a bathroom sink? Here's your answer:

Yes, that cloudy looking substance at the bottom of the sink is soggy toilet paper. Not a lot of fun to fish out of water. How you might ask, did we discover this concoction of Daltons? When water came flooding out of the bathroom and down the hallway! He just smiled as he walked by, but his wet hands gave him away.

Then there are his goofy moments when you just can't help but smile at him. Here he is modeling the newest fashions

And who could resist such displays of brotherly love?

Ah, but then there are the true moments of ingenuity and creativity. What do you do when you are two and you can't reach something you really want? Why you work as a team and use "tools". First, you spot some sunglasses up high and you talk to brother and determine how you are going to reach those sunglasses:

Now, carefully slide the sunglasses down to brother:

Then show off your accomplishment!

Check out Annette's blog for the story and additional pictures of the mohawks. Here is a shot later in the evening after Nathan decided to add a little Tomato soup to his new hairdo. No, that is not a head wound, just some new way to add a little color to your hair:

Ok, so life with boys is not all about mischief. Here is my prince charming. Last week when he and Caylee got off the bus, I had my camera handy and had to take his picture of him carrying her bag for her (along with his). My little gentleman!

And finally, to give me a glimpse of what little girls are all about, once in a while I get to bake a cake for a girl. Here is one I made recently that has become my new favorite. I even felt like a princess while putting it together :) Pink and purple are so refreshing sometimes :)

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