Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Fair

A couple of weekends ago we went to the fair. It was the twins first fair and they enjoyed it. They especially loved cotton candy as you can see by these pictures:





Havin' Fun on the Rides

The killer caterpillar

Milking the cows (it's in their blood :)

A Hard Day at Play

This is how Collin came in after playing outside after it rained. Mud from head to toe! Does anyone want to come do my laundry, PLEEASE? :)

Here is a Conversation I had with Collin last night. It began when Daddy was reading him a story about snakes and had to stop in the middle of the story to get Tristan to bed. I told Collin to bring his books to me and I would read to him. I asked him to hand me one of the other books, and not the snake book and this is what he said:

Collin: "You don't know how to read snake books?"

Me: "Let's read this book" (my way of avoiding the snake book which quite frankly gives me the creeps. Especially when my 4 year old talks about how he wants one at his house for a pet, NO WAY, this mom has to draw the line somewhere!)

Collin: "How do you know how to read books?"

Me: "I went to school when I was little, just like Tristan does."

Collin: "So Tristan was your Daddy and he took you to school?"

Wow, how does his active imagination take him on these journeys :)

If you haven't visited Annette's blog about the boys (linked to the right in my favorites), you have to go out and see the video of Collin eating corn on the cob, it is hysterical!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall Fun

Though I always hate to see summer end, I do love many things about fall. My favorite fall childhood memories are of jumping in the leaves, making a "dummy" for the yard, and of course the pumpkins. Living in the country is so much fun in the fall. Here is the crew enjoying the new hay bales in our field:

What is fall without pumpkins?

This past Saturday we went back to Lazy Five Ranch to see it in the fall with their pumpkins, etc. I'll post more photos of our trip later, but for now, wanted to post just a couple of my favorites:

Friday night I made a cake. The twins wanted the beaters when I was done making the frosting, but Daddy said not before bed. As you can see, they found a way to get to it :) Don't you just love Dalton's hair do?

Last night I made a soup named Cheesburger in Paradise. I take out the Jalapeno and mushrooms to make it more "kid friendly". The last time I made it everyone loved it. I was trying to explain to the boys that that was the name of a song. I then remembered I had a Jimmy Buffett CD and I put it in the computer to play while we were all getting ready to eat. I had to shoot this video of Nathan and Collin dancing away. They loved the song. Too bad they didn't like the soup as much. Tristan loved it so I guess getting one of them to eat it was a small victory :)

Finally, I leave you with one of my new favorite pictures. I generally dislike any picture of myself, but what Mom could not love a picture of all her boys? A mom's arms are never too full and neither is her heart when it comes to loving her children.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Nanna, do you think this shirt is true? Love, Dalton :)

Ooohh, it's sooo good!

I'm the toughest, roughest, gun slinger in the East :)

Havin' fun

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Life with Boys

Last Saturday the boys went to a birthday party at a local park. We were blessed because the rains of the morning had stopped so they got to play and have fun. Here are some shots of just how much fun they had. Three days later their shoes had not dried yet :)

Last Saturday night Jim and I went on our first date in months, possibly even a year. Where did we go you ask? Why what else would a woman of a household of 5 male species go? A Sportsmen's banquet. I really did enjoy it though (I know, scary :)). Hank Parker, Sr. was the speaker. He gave an incredible testimony. It was very uplifting to hear about how he came from such a difficult childhood and managed to overcome so many obstacles to become the man he is today.

Life changed for him when his dad put down the bottle the day his dad was saved. His dad's main focus then became his son's salvation. He got his wish on the day of his funeral when Hank Parker and his brother accepted Christ. His dad had told a friend that if it would take God taking his own life to save his sons, then so be it. I connected with Hank's story as a child of recovered alcoholics. I too was saved as a result of my mom's death. As a parent I know the love you feel for your children and know that both his dad and my mom must be rejoicing with the angels.