Saturday, January 30, 2010


We have snow! We are loving it. I had restocked all our groceries in prep for the storm so we have everything we need to be "snowed in" :) This morning we drove in Jim's truck (it's 4 wheel drive) to a hilly area down the road. The roads were not plowed and there were only one set of tracks on the road which we followed:

The boys loved sliding down hill. Of course my fair weather boys were cold after a few runs downhill though. Even I got in on the fun. When I came out dressed in my winter gear they told me I looked like a boy. Just what every mom wants to hear!

Here are some photos of our winter fun:

At the end of our sledding, the sleet was coming down pretty hard and stinging our faces. We decided to head home for some hot chocolate. We'll try to go out for a little this afternoon. I also have some fun craft activities planned for the afternon. I loved being snowed in. It gives us some great time together as a family.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The many misadventures of Dalton and Nathan

Today Doug and Brianna came over and it was good to see them again. We haven't had a chance to see them in a while. While they were over, the twins showed them their usual mischievious selves :) They turned a lamp on in my roon and managed to put a pull-up on top of the hot light bulb long enough to melt the pull-up onto the light bulb. I took the light bulb out to clean the melted goo off of it and while the light bulb was out of the lamp, they somehow managed to do something that caused the electrical breaker to switch off electricity to the electrical outlets in both bedrooms! Doug and Brianna then asked about some of our other adventures with them and I recounted a few of their stories. Some I'm not even sure I blogged about before because there are so many :) Like recently when we could not figure out why their toilet would not flush properly. Jim had to take the toilet totally out of the house to find a toothbrush lodged that one had tried to flush. Or the couple of times I have found toilet paper clogging the bathroom sink and the bathroom flooding.

Or the simple things like when we celebrated Thanksgiving at church and different folks stood up to say what they were thankful for. What did the twins keep saying? GOD MADE CHEESE! Pretty loudly so a few folks around us could hear and get a good chuckle. Then shortly thereafter when they both started wrestling in the aisle of the church and I struggled to break them up and get them out the door which was like wresting an octopus. That cracked an entire section of the church up as well. Life is never dull with the double trouble duo. They make me laugh, they make me smile, and sometimes, yes, they even make me pull my hair out! I wouldn't trade them for the world though. When they were born, I wasn't sure how in the world we would manage. Somehow we have though, some days better than others. They have taught me a lot about patience, about love, but mostly how to just laugh. See what having four kids does to you? Makes you lose a little of your mind ;)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The week in review

We had our first sickness of the new year, thankfully it wasn't long lasting or too serious. On Tuesday night Collin complained that his neck hurt. I thought it might be from playing too rough, etc. so I assured him it should feel better after he woke up in the morning. Well, when he woke up, he was crying from the pain. I rushed to get everyone ready and dropped the twins off at Annette's and away we went to the pediatrician.

Now a bit of history to tell you why I was so worried about the possibilities...When Collin was just under 2 months old, he developed a fever. Tristan had just gotten over foot and mouth disease and I was sure that was what Collin now had. However, the doctors wanted him taken to the Emergency room because a fever in a small baby can be meningitis. We took him to Durham Regional where they tried several times to get an IV in him while he screamed. Because they didn't have a pediatric care center, he had to be taken to Duke by ambulance. The whole weekend was very scary for Jim and I. The doctors wanted to do a spinal tap on Collin to make certain he did not have meningitis. The thought of Drs. touching our young son's spinal cord was very scary to us. I worried about paralyzation. They basically told us that if he had meningitis and was not treated properly, he could die within 24 hours so we needed to decide quickly to do this. My instincts were saying it was just the foot and mouth and not to put him through this, but I was scared that I might be wrong and could not risk losing our son. We finally agreed to the procedure and he did fine. We spent the weekend at Duke and after testing, they decided it was indeed foot and mouth. We were very relieved.

So, when Collin's neck began aching this time out of the blue, I immediately went to look up the symptoms of meningitis on Google. Of course they talked about your neck ache coming on quickly (which his did) and nausea, headache, a rash, and a multidude of other symptoms. That morning he also started to say that his stomach hurt and he was literally holding his head to one side and crying. In addition, he developed some bumps on his hand. I became scared that maybe our earlier scare was now a reality. I prayed all the way to Durham. Jim was out of town (something always seems to happen when he is) and he was worried as well. Luckily, Collin does not have meningitis now either. His lymph node is infected in his neck which caused it to swell and press on his muscle and cause neck pain. The Dr. said that it is pretty painful but should subside once the antibiotics kick in. Collin and I spent the day together Wednesday and I was so thankful to know that he was going to be ok. It is so hard to watch your child suffer and not be able to do much to help them. The poor little guy has poison ivy on top of the lymph node infection. They put him on antibiotics and prescription Zyrtec for the poison ivy. He took Motrin regularly and I gave him a hot washcloth to put on his neck. By Friday he was acting more like himself so I know the antibiotics are working. I did take one cute picture of him on Tuesday night. He fell asleep on the couch and the kitty curled up with him:

By Friday night we were all back to normal. We then received another surprise. When Annette and Caylee came to drop off Tristan after Caylee's basketball game, they found a puppy in our doghouse. He obviously came from Momma dog. The kids immediately fell in love and he has been getting a good dose of spoiling this weekend (including from the big boy of the house) who is holding him for this picture:

He has attached himself to Collin and follows him everywhere. So, I guess we have yet another animal to take care of. Oh well, it keeps life interesting I guess!

Saturday we went to Annette's for Sarah's birthday party. She asked for a particular spongebob cake for her birthday. I couldn't order the topper from the company I usually do and get it in time, so I opted to try to make a replica by making the pinneapple house out of cake. I did that Friday night. On Saturday morning I took Nathan with me to town for some one on one time. We went to the coffee shop (for mommy of course :) where he got his favorite, a pack of gum all to himself! We then went to the library to pick up Nicholas Sparks' newest book that they were holding for me and I had him pick out a couple of books for himself which he loved. We then went to Walmart. I had called their bakery earlier and they had some spongebob figurines I could buy for my cake. Lo and behold, they had the exact kit that was on the cake Sarah wanted. I bought it and used the characters, but not the pinneapple since that was already on the cake. Here are a couple of photos:

She really liked it and that's all that matters. Sarah is such a sweet girl. She has spent the past few months caring for the boys in the afternoons when Annette has gone to College. She is very good with the boys and has taken good care of them. On the rare occasion Jim and I go out on a date, we usually ask her and her sister Charlotte to take care of the boys. The boys see them every day and know them well and they take good care of the boys. We're lucky to have them. I'm glad she had a great birthday.

Not much else is new. We're still having some cold temperatures and the kids have been stuck inside. It is suppose to warm up toward the middle of the week and I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I did not move far enough South! It is very cold here lately. If it is going to be this cold, it just needs to go ahead and snow so at least we can play in it! :)

Today while looking for photos, I came across these and they made me smile. I have so many photos that I never get to post on the blog because I take so many pictures. Here are some photos to make you reflect on warmer days or at least make you feel warm with a smile.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Merry Christmas!

The Holidays began with a program at Collin's preschool. Here are a couple of clips of my little cutie in action:

His line in the play was "Jesus is God's gift to us." A very true line indeed as I want them to know that Jesus is the best Christmas present any of us has received:

We then had a beautiful snowfall before Christmas. We had a few inches at the house and the boys loved it! Here are some photos of the snow at Annette's house and our house:

Mmmm Mmmm good!

On 12/20 Collin and Tristan were in the Christmas program at church. They were so cute! All the kids did so well. Tristan was one of the wise guys and then he and Collin were shepherds at the end of the play. Here is a video of Tristan singing and a couple of photos:

We also had a party at Daycare. Santa made an appearance and the boys were all very funny:

Christmas morning at our house was great. It was so much fun watching them open their presents. They were still half dressed so I'm not able to share many pictures :) Here is Dalton with his favorite present:

And Collin and Nathan in their new PJs and Collin has his favorite present, his talking Panda bear:

And finally, we'll end with a cute picture...

You can't see me!

We wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year. We feel blessed with our good health and memories that we have made as a family and look forward to many more memories to be made in 2010.