Monday, February 23, 2009

The Longest Three Weeks

Jim left for Bermuda today. He will be gone for three weeks and I get the feeling this will be the longest three weeks ever. I cannot remember a time when he has been gone for this long. I think we have only spent two weeks apart as a family and already we miss him. I miss my best friend. It is not uncommon for Jim and I to speak briefly a couple of times each day. Whether he calls me on my way to work to see how the morning went or just some time during the day to chat, I have grown use to speaking with him whenever I need to. That is not an option while he is in Bermuda. His cell phone doesn't work there. At night he gets to call us on a computer line. Tonight the connection was awful and he couldn't hear us most of the time and I think it was hard for the boys to try to have a conversation with him. I feel bad for him as well because when I talked to him, he said he is sleeping in a twin bed with his feet hanging off the end. A loaf of bread there costs $5! He can only buy as many groceries as will fit on the back of his moped (they have to drive those there as they do not rent cars). Therefore, he will have to go to the grocery store every few days to get what he needs. In addition, if he needs a bag of concrete for his work, he has to carry that on his moped as well. By the time my tall hubby gets done, I'm sure he will feel like a pretzel after riding mopeds and sleeping in a child bed! Please keep him in your prayers for his safety and health during his time there.

Here are a few pictures from the past week or so. These little faces can make me feel crazy sometimes, but they also keep me grounded and focused on what is most important in life. I love you boys more than words can say. I am truly blessed for having 5 cute men in my life :)

I want to love her, and kiss her and squeeze her! (no cats were harmed in the making of this film)

Introducing Spiderman, and Spiderman!

And Karate man...

What a smile!

Sharing a snack of blueberries, one of their favorites

Sometimes I will pick on Tristan and tell him that when he gets older and gets married that he better come visit his Momma. I guess he took it to "heart". Take a look at my valentine:

In case you can't read it it says:

Dear Mom,

I Love you with all of my heart and I always will. I will visit when I'm married. Love, Tristan

Collin's quote of the week: Jim and I had a "date" Saturday night. I had finally bought some new jeans as my old ones had holes in them and a new shirt. I dressed up and took the time to put on makeup, etc. When I came out of the bedroom, Collin said "Why you looking like that?" Doesn't say much for my daily frumpy mom appearance does it?

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