Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Little League times two!

This year I signed Collin (and Tristan) up to play baseball. Collin's first sport. I was a little worried that he would not want to stay with his team and would instead run out to be with Mom and Dad. I talked to him about it a few times and he assured me he wanted to play. The first time his coach called about practice, I hung up the phone and was all teary-eyed. Jim laughed at me of course. What momma doesn't get teary eyed when her wee little chicks take one little step out of the nest? When they do the first thing that means just a little independence. Something that you cannot be right by their side for. Growing up. I hate it. I cry and will do so for each of my little guys at each new milestone.

Some of my fears were put to rest last night when he had his first practice and he was amazing. He hit nearly every ball that was thrown at him (quite far I must brag say). I even found myself saying "That's my boy" since Jim wasn't there to puff up and say so :) Here are some photos of this "first":

Waiting for the cue to run to the next base

Helping the coach by handing him balls to pitch

Look at those fielding skills :)

And what were little brothers doing during this time, why getting into mischief of course. I turned around once to see Nathan at the top of the bleacher sitting area:

The funniest part of practice was when the coach was trying to teach them how to run around the bases. It looked like father Duck with his little ducklings all in tow, here are some photos to make you smile:

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