Friday, August 21, 2009


We have been fortunate to spend the past few weekends with cousins. We have really enjoyed our time together and enjoyed some great family time at the park, floating down the river, shopping, and various other adventures. Carolyn has an awesome park by her house, The Valley Crucis Park. Here are some photos of our time there:

I give my sister a hard time about the mountains, but we really do love it up there. It is such a beautiful place. Just a little too cold for me in the winter :) Who could not love scenery like this?

Carolyn and Tina made me a birthday cake. We laughed as the only candles she had were number candles. I chose to be 17 again :)

Our funny of the week is Jim went to the outer banks to work. He was excited to find a large shell to bring home to the boys. When he got home, the boys put the shell in the aquarium and we had a big surprise, out came a HUGE hermit crab. I find him a little creepy and will not pick him up the way I do the little ones. Here is "grandpa":

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