Monday, June 9, 2008

Outdoor Fun

The past weekend was really hot, 100 degrees. To help the boys cool off, we pulled out the water slide. The only one who wasn't too sure about the water slide was Nathan. We also put a new battery in their gator and they had a blast!

Something I hope I don't see when they are teenagers!

The twins are so funny in the gator. They have figured out how to step on the "gas" pedal, but do not know how to steer. So, they basically go forward until they run into something. This time, it was the sandbox!

Jim was splashing the kids with water outside and I happened to get one of his drenchings on film:

Anytime is a good time for a water fight!

On Saturday, Tristan's ball team had their end of season party at Mayo Lake. All the boys had fun swimming in the lake and getting into water gun fights with the team. Another mom took pictures that I hope to get and post soon. Here is a picture of the cake I made for his team:

Here is another cake I made for a friend who was throwing a surprise birthday party for a teenager. This was the first time I worked with fondant, but it wasn't too hard, I had fun doing the cake and it is one of my favorite cakes so I had to share it here:

LOOK! Girls are at the Davis Household!

It looks like the only ones who can have girl babies at the Davis household are the dogs! Of course, we weren't looking to expand the family, so a good trip to the Vet might be in order to prevent such a recurrence.

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