Monday, August 18, 2008

Isn't He Pitiful?

Our day started at 4:30 am when Dalton woke up crying. He was burning up with a fever. We gave him Motrin which he then threw up about 10 minutes later. I took him to the pediatrician this morning and his temperature there was just under 103. They said his throat is very red, but his quick strep test came back negative. He has a virus that just has to pass. I stayed home today and all he did all day was sleep. He wanted to be held all day. I took this picture because he looked so pitiful :(

When the other two napped today, I carried Dalton outside and sat under the umbrella and watched Tristan while he swam in the pool. It is hard when one is sick and the others need your time and attention as well. Once Daddy got home, I took the three healthy kids up to the neighborhood park to let out some energy and do something different. Here is what Collin had to say on this adventure. We were walking around the walking track:

Collin: "This is a very long sidewalk!"

And then: "I was hot and sweaty and I tried to run to get cool, but it just made me hot and sweaty."

As a man went by jogging Collin turned around to look at him and said in such a serious voice "He is a very fast man Mommy, a very fast man." I laughed so hard!

It is the end of the day and Dalton is finally expressing interest in eating for the first time today. Let's hope this is a short lived virus!

1 comment:

Annette said...

That is a sad photo! Hope he is better tomorrow.