Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Adjusting for School

Today was Tristan's first full day of school. Monday and Tuesday were only half days. Getting back into the routine of getting him in bed by 8:30 is a challenge. We started going to bed earlier last week (around 9:00) but 8:30 is like a marathon race some evenings! I don't get home until 6:00 p.m. and then we only have those 2 1/2 hours to finish cooking, eat, take a bath, spend a little time together and then it is bedtime. Tristan has noticed how little time we have and gave me a good dose of "Working Mommy guilt" this morning. He told me he hates it when I get home so late and we don't have much time together. During the summer the kids get to stay up with us and we get a lot more time together as a family. A couple of hours passes so quickly now! I know we all have to adjust to the new schedule and this will get easier. Even Collin is "acting up" because I think he misses his brother, although most days neither would admit it! Right now we are all pretty tired and looking forward to a three day weekend. My sister assures me it isn't any easier for stay at home moms. She feels the pinch as well as their family adjusts to the new schedule, they even started school three weeks before we did! I think we are all missing cousins too as we have not seen them since the end of July. They plan to come down next weekend for Collin's birthday party, so we should all enjoy some "reunion" time.

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